Sunday 10 October 2010

One month on and life is quite good to a point.

 So here we are one month on from my last blog and you knwo all is good in the hood at this moment in time. So in my last blog I mentioned a green chicken we now have three. To explain we had a piso (flat/apartment) on our list to look at and it has this amazing modern green kitchen. However we had problems saying green kitchen in English and I don't know who said it first but green kitchen turned into green chicken. However the piso with the green chicken had already been snapped up. In our current piso we managed to find some chicken candles so we got some nail polish and painted them green so we have three green chickens on our cooker extractor hood. So I've been to Madrid in between last time and now and I'm going to Zaragoza this afternoon. Madrid was good and had an amazing bar that I won't shut up about: it's called El Son and is a salsa bar where the entire population inside dance salsa which I LOVE!!!!! It's near Puerta del Sol and was so cool. However for me Madrid was a bit too big and I was glad to get back to my own bed in Soria after a few days in hotel and hostal beds that only had thin sheets on them. I need me a duvet!! Which I have. It's massive! Anyhoo. So got back to the San Saturio festival with lights everywhere. San Saturio is the patron Saint of Soria who was well known for being a hermit living in a cave near the river Duero and beating himself with twigs and whips and stuff so he could feel the pain that Jesus went through. Basically sympathy one notch up! So below are the lights of San Saturio and the throng of people that turned up.
I also have started private tutoring an amazingly lovely family. The mum Ofe is in the language school and will be a tutee of mine. Elena the little girl of five is so cute and very cheeky and Juan is a boy of ten who if you don't listen straight away you've missed 2/3 of his conversation - he speaks at a 1000 miles an hour so muhc so his mum tells him to slow down. And Juanda the dad is a very nice man who plays the Spanish Mandolin and offers me and my flatmates lifts to the supermarket. Below is a picture I took of the Hermitage of San Saturio (Ermita de San Saturio) when Ofe and Juanda took me and Francesca to see it. It's a very nice little place and the iglesita (tiny church) inside is just adorned with flowers! They love that Saint.
 After the Ermita we then went to the San Duero which is a former Monastery and Church that has a very unique archictectural sight. There are columns that used to hold up a palisade or something but each column is individual more or less and no one is the same. There are 4 different styles moorish, celtic, visigoth and another which I forgot. Below is a sample of the artistry.
 So this weekend is the medieval market which is basically and Artisanal market with people dressed up in medieval garb. They had pipers and bands of very celtic sounding variety very reminiscent of Breton music and pipes. 

Anyway there were lots of jewellery and food stalls and all the vendors were smoking directly next to their products one guy was literally smoking his cheeses personally! Not cool! Anyway we spent some time walking well lets say battling our way through the market and found the Bar Herradores to sit and warm up while it siled it down outside. 
Anyway below from izqierda a la derecha (left to right) Smads, Yessica, Frankie, Erín and Steph - Yessica (Jessica really) is our adoptive roommate and is the sister of Erín and she makes some mean banana pancakes. Smadar (which means blossom in Hebrew) is our token canadian and is handy to have around if you get into bother as she hurls Moza balls of death at people! So cool! She hit one old lady square on the jaw - knocked that pushy bitch square out!!
Anyway I'm going to close my blog here and hope you are all well who are taking the time to read it even if I don't know you and you are just flicking through the blogs.
Take care people
Sy Soriano x

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