Wednesday 15 September 2010

So you're Soria we've heard so much about you! Really? No.

Well followers I am in Soria with my two new roommates Erin and Smadar. Our first day was unbelievably weird but amazing nonetheless. So wake up in my hotel get ready and go to meet Smadar at the airport  for about 10 o'clock. All fine and dandy we talk, we laugh, we get stereotypes out of the way to clear up any risk of generalisations later on and then we wait, and wait some more while waiting. We wait for 4 hours yes 4 hours for our coach which arrives at 3.15 anyway but we are waiting for Erin. Heathrow being the wonderful airport that it is buggered up somewhere as Erins flight was delayed by well over an hour and we waited for her and looked for her at the gate. To no avail so myself and Smadar go to the coach station where there si absolutely NO information anywhere! Not one shread of info at all so we have no idea that we are even at the right place and who turns up 20 mins before the coach arrives. That's right ten points for guessing it's Erin who arrives out of breath and ever so slightly pissed off while carrying not one, no two but 3 suitcases! Would easyjet let me do that in future do you think? HMMM? ER NAH!
So the coaches arrives on time pretty much in a mini convoy. So we pile our suitcases on one coach and then we get put on another! Tis the point where I think I'm going to lose my stuff on the first day! Champion! They assured us they travel together which is bullshit as the one with our cases disappeared into the sunset. So we get to Soria after 2 hours and 45 minutos and is there the other coach there? ER NAH! So I'm livid so are about 6 Spaniards who clearly know how to get a face on. If you could personify thunder it's the faces of the Spanish women whose bags were also on the other coach. And the driver is all smiley smiley Carole Smiley about. Anyway it does turn up and I'm straight to the coach - OOOOOOOH in between all the arriving and second coach arriving Candy who has lived in Soria for 2+ years meets us at the bus station. How lovely. Never even met us and she met us.
Anyway got my stuff, got Erins and Smadars too and off we march to Soria town centre which when you are carrying a laptop and another bag and a 25kg suitcase is not, I repeat NOT fun! Soria does look amazing however as we got to our hostel and then sat in - el Tubo for the rest of the night. El tubo is one of the plazas in Soria which is actually named Plaza de Santa someone or other but apparently the streets and squares in Soria are not to compare to Britain: when we say Fleet Street in Britain we mean Fleet Street: but the Spanish would call it Newspaper alley because it used to have lots of newspaper offices. No idea why this square si called the tube though.
So we stayed up til 2 in the maƱana talking to tons of Spanish people who Candy introduced us to. So our first day consisted of stress in Madrid and peace and relaxation in Soria. It was so funny too as you leave Madrid the countryside is every shade of beige imaginable but once you get into the Soria region there are tress everywhere!! Pine tress all over they are almost as endemic as the wind turbines that dominated the skyline from Madrid to Soria.
Anyway I'm going to leave it here for now as we are going to go piso hunting in bit. Bring on the green chicken! I'll explain later.
Ciao for now people

Monday 13 September 2010

So it has officially begun.

So followers, I have arrived. I am in my hotel in the barajas centro commercial and it's quite nice I must say. Muy muy muy moderno with a bathroom that I want to hide in my suitcase and sneak out with. Photos in a minuto. The flight was good and it was fully booked no seats spare whatsoever. I managed to push some eastern europeans out fo the way so I could get a window view. AND I saw a tornado from the plane! It was level with us on the plane but MILES away so we weren't affected or anything but it was there twisting away til it disappeared. My second funnel cloud ever.
So got a bit lost in the airport eventually got a taxi to the hotel because the buses were very confusing. So here I am writing my first blog in Spain on my first ever trip to Spain.
Anyway I had a very nice relax in the bath and am now getting ready for some lunch. I'm very tempted to take the Mars bar out of the mini bar but it wil cost 65 euros or something! Well I shall leave you all with some pictures of my hotel room.
I chose to use the blue bottle by the way!

Wednesday 8 September 2010

5 days encounting

Well followers I am quite excited now. Everyone is being so nice about everything and the generosity of Candy who will also be living in Soria this year is very much appreciated and has actually calmed my nerves. I have to say I am starting to think this is going to be a fun and exciting part of my life. I am so thrilled that I am going to be living with two very nice girls Smadar and Erin and that Candy is givning us so much advice and help. I never would have expected it to turn out so well. I just hope the excitement continues. I'm getting excited over kitchen cabinets for christ sake! So must be a good sign.
I'll leave it here I think otherwise I amy have a stroke from the excitement!

Sunday 5 September 2010

One week to go

Well followers. Just one week to go as of tomorrow. It's exceptionally nerve racking the thought of this move. It's much bigger than my time in Germany as there isn't someone to meet me at the other end when I arrive and I haven't got somewhere to live as of yet. That's something to look forward to upon arrival with my soon to be roommates one of whom is a canadian and the other is an american. So this should prove to be a most interesting escapade.
This weekend however I have been helping my mum gut the back garden as it had gotten a bit out of hand. Lots of plants getting too big for their boots. Hopefully I can have a say before I go of what goes where or what's going to go where!
Anyway this is a sample of the delights that have grown in my garden something I will sorely miss when I end up residing in a flat. Hopefully there'll be a terrace and I can grow some plants and herbs.

Anyway must dash so ... besitos people!

Saturday 4 September 2010

Almost there

Well Followers, I think for those of you who know me I welcome you and you may not need to read the rest, for those of you who do not a very hearty welcome to this, my blog for the next 9 months or so. My name is Simon and I will be documenting my time and experiences as I live the life of a Soriano in the city of Soria in Spain. At this moment in time I am not yet in Soria I am actually at home in gods own county of Yorkshire in the United Kingdom. I am 23 and I am currently in teacher training to be a German, French and Spanish teacher. I'm going to Spain for a few reasons: numero uno - I'm a bit sick of Britain at the mo and I need to just leave the country especially as I had to give up my last holiday in Greece because I was being paid by the very wise British government to learn French at the time (I know tragic! get the violins ready). Second reason: I want to be a Spanish teacher and my Spanish has been out of use for about 2 years and is in serious need of dusting off and putting into action, saying this I did book the hostel I'll be staying at over the phone in Spanish and had to repeat everything back in simple Spanish to the poor man on the other end just to make sure I understood everything meaning the phone call lasted 3 times as long as it should have. AND 3rd reason: I completely bombed my PGCE, so in order to recover from the trauma of failing I'm running away to another country to drink sanghria and corona beer and have a siesta everyday. I will however be resitting certain aspects of the PGCE next year in September in the hopes of becoming the language teacher I've always wanted to be because languages are bloody brilliant! And don't let anyone tell you otherwise! So I suppose I should leave it here for now as I see off my penultimate weekend in Blighty and prepare for an almighty adventure in Spain. Besitos! Simon